My collection (802 vol.) after six years of active collecting. Any and all recommendations are highly appreciated :)
Returning player considering making a new account
Can anyone tell me what the f*ck this setting does
New event/fortune cookie
On the same day aswell
Can't make her work (Vampire/Endure), Water Nezuko
Power of Water Nezuko?
Weekly Advice Thread 13/01/2025
Wie tragt Ihr viele Mangas nachhause?
My time has come. Giveaway 7LD 5 G1 Arena C3 RTA
Zeratu summon from 10 year
Only have 2000 stockings
Tomorrow it's my turn to test my luck... only need the LD event scrolls.
Help with turn guide
We often see connected spines. How about connected covers?
I got nothing from the 150 scrolls, you?
With the 100x 10th anni scrolls comming soon and 10 ld scrolls after
How's your reading % looking this year?
Day 5 of waiting for com2us to respond
Weekly Advice Thread 09/12/2024
Gehts euch genauso
Empfehlungen für jemanden der keine Ahnung hat welches Genre ihm eigentlich liegt
Guys, don't sleep on this series
ranking all the completed manga I've read