Wilson and Layla 🐄
New tuxedo owner
Anyone else have a gang of Tuxies??
What's your most divisive opinion??
Before and after, 8 months apart
Staring at me in the shower thinking I have treats…
Here’s my silly, 12 year old, cross-eyed tuxedo, Oskar. ISN’T HE SO PRETTY? AND HIS EYES? I love him so much🥹
My best boy Debit the 1st day from the shelter to now
This is my physician, Dr. Taco. Unsure if he’s a real doctor, but he accepts my insurance!
Nothing like PSYCH ????
What a life
Little man sleeping like he pays the bills.
Help me decide her name between Dodge and Oreo. Found her homeless under a Dodge Caravan (origin name) but Oreo sounds silly like her goofy personality
do you have your tuxie as your phone background? let’s see them!
Work-from-home Supervisors
I need a show suggestion. Similar to better call Saul?
What TV couple had the most insane on-screen chemistry you’ve ever seen?
200 channels and nothing but cats…
My sister crocheted this couch for my tuxedo and my calico.
Trying to decide which photo to use for Christmas Cards!!!!
Please recommend
Series about turning your entire life around
What is a silly & light-hearted which is just entertainment like Psych or The Good Guys or Scrubs ?
I need a show with some real Aubrey Plaza energy
Almost three years of dechonkin