Why do some Christians claim everything is “demonic”?
Volunteering on Sunday
Legality of video games in libraries
How to deal with racism as a Catholic
Writing books as a catholic
Copyright laws and scr*ples
Copyright and theft
Popmart shipping time to Vancouver, Canada
Shows/movies with 18+ scenes
Are fanedits of LOOKISM legal?
Were the Gospels really written by Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John?
Religion teacher said the Catholic Church has “idols”
Celebrity crushes : Morally okay?
How sick is “too” sick to not attend mass?
About “lying” games
Classroom is making me “sin”
Owning material things
Ages in the Old Testament
Selling stuff for more than it was bought for
Marrying a non-Catholic
Arguing; at to which point is it not sinful?
Private vows
How to deal with intrusive thoughts
Horror video games