Penis change
200 dials a day, are all sales jobs like this?
1h30min commute
I HATE prospecting (help please!)
Best college degree option lists:
got diagnosed today
were you good from the start?
San Diego, US. $56.87
I just thought about this
Why do some people go through SDR and some not
What will happen to society as demand for cognitive ability becomes ever increasing?
My first (and potentially last) LSD trip as a practicing Buddhist
just gonna leave this here..
I'm 18, is DMT or any other psychedelics gonna fuck me up permanently
Who here has actually been to Ukraine?
what industries don't require a silver tongue?
Share of UK adults paying higher rates of tax over time
Girth Gains
Most you seen someone make in 1 year?
I've hit a wall at 8.5 in the pump, need some advice please.
Average r/Ayahuasca user VS Average r/DMT user
How to be more confident leading my Sales Dev team despite being bald?
pointy taki
what are the chances of injuries