Uhhh should i start a crowdfunding?
A7X & SOAD Chicago 2025
The Avenged Sevenfold Icerberg. Over 200+ Entries
Unit we meet again
This day in 2004: Avenged shoots the music video for "Unholy Confessions"
Season Pass Song 3 is... [On Your Own by MPA (Mad Porno Action)] !!!
New Season Pass 2
Hmm what’s this? 👀
Never forget
Good gateway songs
How can Avenged not like this album 😭😭😭😭😭
What’s your favourite and least favourite Syn solo?
Battle pass season 2
Jade Helm Instrumental??
When was this performance? 2005-2006? Honestly think it’s amazing. Sound quality isn’t quite as good as LBC but I think the overall performance is amazing
I know it was 2008 and it was released on DVD and took forever to come out the normal way, but DAMN this is shameful how little attention this album has. For years now, it’s been the indisputable best work they’ve done imo.
Slept in my A7C t-shirt and woke up seizing the day
Woke up in my LIBAD shirt and found myself living in a world that's not a dream
Woke up in my Metallica shirt and found myself riding the lightning
Here's the deal, and i need your help
As a huge A7X fan, I never knew this! What a funny way they got so huge in Indonesia.
Which Avenged Sevenfold song is this for you?
Which SOAD song is this for you?
Pinkly Smooth is on Tidal as well!
Have you seen them live?