What’s the minimum amount of sleep per day that will not cause you to die rapidly?
Is 1 hour worth it?
How do you view soccer?
Is a shift from 4am-12pm or 5am-1pm better than the usual 8am-4pm or 9am-5pm?
Would you work 5-6 hour shifts everyday?
By the time you live to be 100, would 4 hours of sleep be enough?
How do you view Radiohead?
What’s the minimum of sleep you need to function for a day?
Can I workout on 4 hours of sleep?
Why can some people function on low amounts of sleep better than others?
Why does a restricted sleep (<4 hours) make you feel worse than none?
Irreversible, Antichrist, or Martyrs?
2 hours of sleep or an all nighter?
Is a 5 hour shift too short?
Does anyone else find that sort of embracing it helps?
Does you just begin to feel less affected by it over time?
What’s the worst that could happen if I didn’t sleep more than 5 hours a day for a year?
What’s the most disturbing film to exist as of today?
Does lack of sleep itself actually cause weight gain?
Does anyone else think a 4 hour shift is too short?
Why is that they have to give you a 30 min break for every 5 hours worked?
Is it possible to work graveyard shift and also live a healthy life?
IsItBullshit: The bare minimum of sleep needed to live, not just thrive, is 4 hours per 24 hour period.
If you had to pick one, 2 hours of sleep, or an all-nighter, why?
What’s the minimum amount of sleep you can get a day and not die rapidly as a result?