A Ghost Story and HERE
9:30am at pop up
Chicago pop up?
New tires at 40k miles?
Scheduled maintenance $$$
Evanston Social Club is looking looking to see if people want to learn to play Euchre
Your opinion of alexandria fragrances?
Spreadsheet lovers! What columns are you tracking?
What particular fragrance from a brand fits everything about that brand?
What is everyone’s favourite fragrance right now?
Today is the first sober birthday I’ve had in my adult life.
Summer floral faves?
One year sober anniversary! Ask me anything :)
My dog died- here she is
Loud cars
Out to dinner fragrance
Video call mistake turns good!
What are your 2024 fragrance resolutions?
Saturday morning sober
Christmas gifts from me to me
Is it fair to be annoyed by this message
No one asks…
First sober date
[WTS] Mitsouko, Slut, Tauer, More CORRECTION (Bottle)
[WTS] Spicebomb Extreme, Uomo Salvatore Ferragamo Signature, Love Don't Be Shy, Bleeker Street (Bottle)