Update on Juniper
Prayers for Juniper
Any creative ideas for a VT-inspired dog name?
What is your highest recorded heart rate?
He enjoys the sun so much. This window has been his "spot" since day 1.
Her favorite star!
Bunny Feast
Brushing Fester!!!
can someone help me with finding something to do with my family
What’s he Dreaming About?
Decent apartments with good bus routes/close to campus?
i love chappell but not her fans
My bun fell off the bed while sleeping..😅
Scared the shit outta me
I can’t believe I finally caught this on video!
Deaf Rabbit
My new baby boy!
Clocking out for the last time :(
The Mill or Chasewood Downs?
This is…just why?
This was… fun
My coworkers and I were speechless (reposted without store number)
Best hall style dorm?
12 pumps of caramel, 12 pumps of vanilla and 12 pumps of classic 🥲