DigiTech Whammy II Power
You wake up in the middle of the night and your house is burning down! Is there any one instrument that you would rescue first?
Motion Sickness?
Pedal for Organ-like Tones
Darf mein Arbeitgeber Sitzgelegenheiten vom Arbeitsplatz entfernen ?
My guitars were destroyed in a fire caused by a drone strike on my apartment
Turned 30 and my folks got me a Gibson Melody Maker. Dreams come true.
I’ll just leave this here
first guitar 🤘🏼
Only one album survives...
Who is your favourite character of the main cast?
Most of this board
HELP, HELP, HELP. SECURITY CODE 30. (post simpsons robots here!)
Guess my favorite band.
Cause of Death ? Germany
MXR Rockman is cool but…
which strings do you prefer? why?
Need your opinion for my next film camera
1$ Flea Market find
Bought a pretty cheap Schecter Hellraiser and resurrected it from the dead. Before/After
Les Paul Studio Conversion
beginner advice
Found this on marketplace
What was the moment you realized Clapton was god?
Never been a Gibson guy.