Is Emove Cruiser V2 best option for me? Or is there something else?
How common is trt in America?
Phone Surveillance
Married Redditors, how long were you and your partner together before the engagement?
My wife died, I’m looking for answers
HDL too low, should i be concerned?
Considering TRT as a 35-year-old male, very tired all the time, low libido
Anybody Wonder If Trump Is On TRT?
Need protein and ready to drink shakes recommendations for sensitive stomach.
3rd week of enclomephine.
Redditors who experienced a mid-life crisis, what was the source of it and how did you snap out of it?
Doing my first injection today, any advice on location? My doctor didn’t really go over that with me.
Thinking about TRT
(No Diddy) How much has your balls actually shrunk
why is monogamy still a thing? do modern men get off on being cheated on?
Hoe would you feel if your girlfriend proposed to you?
My father is blaming trojan files for CP. Is this possible?
27Gauge needles
What accessories for new rider? (Z500)
What is your biggest regret?
Found "deep throat" spray in my 14 year old daughter's room
AITA for ending the relationship because my partner couldn’t respect my boundary
Does Testosterone Really Make Men Enjoy Hurting People?
What are your go to snacks with low sodium?
I feel like it's getting harder to date.