This action scene from Indian movie
Baked Spaghetti
Was hit by a car. Paying off my debt with insurance settlement
When did you truly understand what love was? / When did you fall inlove?
Extreme Couponers- Where are they now?
How do I fix my family situation and move on? Having a hard time letting go.
Seeking Keto/lowcarb chips alternatives
This boy just ate an entire rotisserie chicken (he’s fine)
What’s something you endured that you thought you’d never survive, but here you are.
Got my valentine set! I'm in love!
I worry about the shortness of life
Burger Night in Canada
We Are Taking Our Tree Down
What makes you feel like you became 1% better today?
The good old days
A message to you that stayed strong after NVDA crash yesterday...
Can friendship really last?
I have a queation for Grandparents
My husband will be passing soon. I don’t think I can walk back into our home and I also don’t think I can ever leave it. Any advise?
Brace yourselves. Thicc peppercorn bacon wrapped Hebrew Nat'l dogs with a peach bourbon glaze, topped with grilled onions and a little more sauce, on grilled brioche buns.
Attended a business meeting in a Marriott that still had their Christmas decorations up. Made me very happy in January!
Low carb OMAD
I just purchased a home!
Goodwill came thru today. $19.99
How many of you actually use a bidet?