A Useful Conversational Skill
Rules of Attraction and Sex
How To Train Your Anal Virgin
What is your favorite/go to way of teasing your partner?
ARAD men, during which period of your life did you have the most sex?
Male Redditors, during which period of your life did you have the most sex?
What’s a wild fantasy that, given the right circumstances, you’d absolutely act on?
What makes you go feral?
What's the best nsfw secret you know about someone?
How do you become confident & attractive?
In the interest of fairness: Women of ARAD, which would you prefer to randomly get from a partner: flowers and chocolates or oral sex?
Men of ARAD, which would you prefer to randomly get from a partner: flowers and chocolates or a blowjob?
Why is it women get interested when they get to know i am dating someone?
Who in your opinion is the throatgoat?
what’s your favorite type of nude to receive?
Is there a move or technique that you're partner can do that will always get you off?
What’s a sexual fun fact about yourself that people would find hard to believe?
[WP] You return from your lunch break and find all the women of your office mindlessly masturbating at their desks
If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what would you ask?
Singletons of ARAD, who in your life right now would you most like to fuck?
How do you take out your frustration in a nonviolent way?
Singletons of ARAD, what do you most look for in a potential partner?
Is sex with your current partner the best you’ve ever had?
What is your most violent sexual fantasy?