Even if you weren't abusive, you're still just annoying lol
Soon as I hear it slam shut, I immediately think "brace yourself, he's about to fuck up your whole day" type shit.
I studied 86 hours in last 10 days : Here's what I learned.
who’s your confront character lol
Boos tv programma
Wat voor hulp kun je krijgen met begeleid/beschermd wonen?
i agree
Autism saw trap
Why do I hate it so much? Do I even want to know?
The people have spoken and cyclops saga is gone! Day 2, top comment = removed
I hate dogs so much
Lyrics change
found in neuroaccepting school... ruh roh!
I am your 16 year old self, what did you want me to do?
What lyrics just scratch that itch for you?
Van hobby naar hobby springen
What is that opinion for you?
i didn’t realize it was that bad
Don't question it
Ouders van Reddit; plaatsen jullie foto’s van je kind(eren) op sociale media?
Friday, January 10, 2025
Were People More Focused Before Smartphones? I Don’t Remember
how evil is your HANDWRITING and generally what do you think about it (especially being enforced in schools)
Walking is just so much more pleasant