Finally got her running
Help with distributor
£4700 WC from start to finish. Did I spend too much? Well, it had lots of issues
Connector help
Crank position sensor help
Me and my GF spent some time putting some new firewall material on my E30 this weekend
Has the dark age of YouTube begun?
Anyone ever dealt with this much rust in the boot? The more I look the worse it gets 🤣
Canada to UK
Why are so many minimum wage jobs asking for so much ?
Fuck me bro
I went to the shittiest therapist today
Rusty bloody cars
STAY CLEAN NOVEMBER! Sign up here! (October 26)
Day 8
Clutch issues
Treating her to a refurbed steering rack!
What are people replacing their engine bay insulation with? Mine is all crumbled and it's really expensive to buy the part online. Thanks 👍
Some Film shots
Bladder Cancer Age
Is this the actuator