Tan inútiles son las apps de citas o soy yo?
Drake the type of Deleterious David to delete all of his data before it's finished backing up so he can make more space for backups
Drake the type to say first we have to back in time for it to go back to his birth and say no not that far
Drake the type to post this
Drake the type of sneaky Samuel to escape class like this
Escaped quietly
Drake the type of Kooky Quipster to say "Drake is my name, rapping is my game"
Ok-Satisfaction got permanently banned.
drake the type of piss stain to have this entire sequence happen to him
Drake the type of woolly Willy to be casted as a character that a 15 year old has a crush on
The constituency results of Germany's election according to Reuters.
The State of California in 2006
Which file contains the warnings at the beginning of the game?
¿De qué nacionalidad creen que será el nuevo Papa?
What’s a show that was incredibly popular/a massive hit but only occasionally gets brought up these days (not that well known)?
Does anyone have the template for an endless runner?
What are some things from the 2010s that you see as cheesy or outdated?
Gi-Hun if he kept the red hair
I can't be the only one who love when they do that
Yeah, no
I love how men are so unfiltered.
is there something for a mod that fits so well you just considerate it cannon
How much time do you think humanity has left in GHE?
What could possibly go wrong!
Why has nobody ever become a hero like batman?
Known for being the ultimate fumbler