What do your Significant Others do for a living?
Can you Kayak anywhere?
Are med school adcom conservative leaning?
what MD schools prefer service?
At what point is having faith just silly? It seems many more prayers go unanswered than answered.
Emory rejection letter from 65 years ago
Need to rant
GOP moves to end PSLF and SAVE
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
What city have you moved to and immediately thought I’m not going to live here for long?
LDS theories of psychology?
what do you think got you into med school
On a scale of one to ten how well do you like living in Chicago?
Income during school
Was about to hand this over as change until the numbers caught my eye and I pulled it back
What is SLC missing for the non-outdoorsy?
How would Lost be different if it came out today?
To all the new MS1s, how was your first semester of med school?
If you had to be in a small room with one animal, which would be the most dangerous and give you the smallest chance of survival? Justify your answer?
Is the vape ban happening?
What's keeping you sane?
Is it insane to consider med school at this point in my life?
What's some brutally honest advice that everyone should know?
Blacked out after orgasm
What is the giant empty parking lot/warehouse north of Ogden that you can see from I-15?