Busy Job > Boring Job
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Whats one film everybody loves but you hate ?
The time has finally come, Leshy stands not a chance
Anything better than the 3 blood or 4 bone squirrel totem?
Tier list of cards based on how beneficial adding a specific sigil to it is Part 10: Fledgling
What is an insignificant hill you’ll die on?
How do you feel when your personal experience with a corporation is slightly different than their friendly and creative commercials?
Why do you still believe in God?
How come fingernails grow faster then toenails
What's your guilty pleasure?
BEST “Metalcore” (or close enough) songs similar to MIW style?
Americans of reddit, how has the Trump administration impacted your life ?
Funniest Sal moments?
What's your 'this customer service rep deserves a raise' story?
What’s a common belief or fact that you secretly think is total nonsense?
What’s a popular artist that you just can’t understand why they’re so popular?
Who would you say is an overrated musical artist or rapper?
What does everyone do after work?
Whats something you have come to terms with?
Favorite Murr Moment?
Who's your favorite unnamed participant on the show? Always thought this dude had a great attitude in the taxi driver prank
What was your first concert?
Allergy test...Reacted to 81 out of 85 allergens.