"What a year huh?"
Kit getting knocked off a brawler (like that brawler going over water) will still keep his healing effect
Darryl still got healed by kit for the duration of kit’s super even after he jumps off
I never touched buzz lightyear once and now I have this permanently
cuz yor mek mai eorfquak...
Why does this happen?
How am I even supposed to win-oh wait
Here's my recolor of Furious Fang, it's "Fierce Fang" I made him because i didn't liked Ferocious Fang (Im ok with it now btw)
women: beware of posting on this subreddit
He Didint win because he wasn’t prawn ready
I'm incredibly confused.
What’s the rarest skin you own?
What is this?
GuYs wHaT'S CoMmOn BeEtWeEn ThEsE bRaWlErS?????
Anyone else see this?
Name a cube I don’t have
FINAL UPDATE: AITA for telling my sister she’s not allowed to bring her homemade food to Thanksgiving because her cooking is ruining the meal?
Can I join?
210 downvotes for that is crazy
Is this a bot or a real person?
Dynamike / Tick / Darryl
World Record Ice Hockey Speedrun (18s) (1k trophies)
Introducing Slow Roads 2.0 - play at slowroads.io and wishlist on Steam!
thanks randoms!
All the lunar China brawl stars skins
No need to feel bad If you couldn't achieve 15 wins.