Tank filling question::
Does he look okay?
when to do water changes
Water temperature..?
My mom is trying to convince me I'm not ace
What are some of your favourite axolotl characters in games / shows / etc
Mi ajolote está muriendo y no se cómo salvarla
If you don’t have a canopy of floating plants in your axolotl tank yet, this is one of the reasons why you should.
Anyone else addicted to cuddling?
Does wanting to have a partner while also not wanting it normal?
Gills next to air stone?
I have HS, a boob one caught me off-guard. Had to pull out the step ladder to scrub the ceiling.
What kind of sand do you use?
New fan here
my friend is getting this baby she’s a girl do yall have any name suggestions? also any tips for beginners would be appreciated :)
Slime Coat Peeling
Hiding spots/decorations
Please help🙏
Axolotl Breeding Farm???
Invalid if I’m not a nun
just had this on my fyp, does anyone else find this very concerning?
Floofs in ‘action’— 😍❤️😍
Rescue axolotl question
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?