Nerf Fencing Game (1980s)
Decided to post some of my collection here, what do you all think? (The six on the bottom are recent, the other ones above them are older)
Worst Episode Hands Down
Father dog teaching puppy awoo
If I sell my collection as a whole, what do you think I could get based on discogs estimated value
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Salma Hayek, 1990s
80 Year old Robert Dinero with his 10 month old baby
Thpughts on the Cosby Show
He stole the whole show!
Problems with their online store!
Poppery II
I'm not actually sure what band this is anyone know?
Never judge a book by its cover
First CD of my Collection!
Back with another banger
Make an assumption about me based on my current car CDs
Magni schiit the bed, what now.
I love Ben! Benjamin Linus lovers unite!
Man attacks BJJ blue belt and finds out quickly (Street fight)
Harder than chicken bone
Which is your favorite Lapidus ... bearded or clean shaven?
How did Kristi turn into Billy Ray Cyrus out of nowhere in Season 3?
Why would anyone choose colony house
Young Victor is someone who would leave me on read (sorry for the low quality)