Math Solver in Samsung Notes now available
Day by day probability is increasing
Ini impressive sih meskipun pada akhirnya tetep digebuk.
Somewhere in Sulawesi, Indonesia, a cheater ran away and did Spider-Man from having an affair with someone's wife
Ya ya baiklah
Especially in Indonesia 🥲
There's a frustrating amount of people like this in most cultures
Multi Control errors
A MotoGP rider headbutted a seagull while travelling at a speed of 200 km/h.
BPI Danantara diestimasi akan jadi lembaga dana kekayaan negara terbesar ke-8 di dunia
Need Advice
Jakarta is not ready for international event (post Greenday concert experience)
This Japanese cab driver doesn't have a passport, so his passengers from around the world gave him souvenirs from their countries.
What's this called in your language?
Dapet notifikasi diingetin Google, Exactly a year ago... Any regrets or grudge?
What to do with the old Google Pixel 6?
Barang yg kalian pikir gabutuh tapi setelah pake kerasa banget manfaatnya?
Is 188,000/m after taxes enough in Osaka, Japan?
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Mystery alarm/timer
Apa "Pineapple-Pizza" versi kalian?
This wax museum in Brazil
Cuci Mobil 50K, Cuci Pesawat 150K
Do you have Samsung phone because quality or brand loyalty?
Efisiensi Anggaran Ala Vietnam (by Perupadata)
butt sprayer in my country
Umat Islam Solo Raya (AUIS) sweeping menolak festival kuliner Cap Go Meh di Paragon, Solo