AIO UPDATE: “friend” gave me 🍃brownies without my knowledge or consent.
Questions from a noob
“I wish I had EBT” is what I heard someone whisper
Giveaway. Closest on a number 1-500 takes it.
Which side do y’all lean?
I don’t know what level of nerd this is, but my Ogre Team Merch just arrived
RB upgrade worth it?
Not sure if I’m completely delusional or if this is fair value.
Would you rather have the 2.09 and 3.04 or these guys?
Airbnb smoke/CO2 detectors
Help finding exact cat toy!!
Display advice needed
Who won?
NFL at risk of following NBA
I love shitposting but dear lord, talk about -5 effort going in
Save this for later!
Norman the Norm Emissary
Rules question.
She seems vastly smarter and more honest than her father.
My 48 Team League (In Progress) What do you think!
My NFL Playoff Predictions!
Gee, thanks for the point George.
Why is she asking that?
How do I remove the wires from this terminal block?
Follow-Up: On Enjoying OCD and High-Quality Standards