Best performance by an actress in a Nolan film
John mentioned in “Three Daughters”
Nolan going back to his roots
Will Nolan ever work w/ Christian Bale again?
‘Wildfire’ thoughts
The Brothers McGill reunited
Songs that don’t quite fit in an album
MJF kinda resembles Eric Stoltz
For a sec I thought John was playing w/ Dela here 😅
Why is ‘Wheel’ so underrated
Found on Twitter. Fincher “fixed” the curtains in Panic Room 4K.
Anyone know the reason why the ice effect on the Delorean was dropped in the sequels?
Did Tom Wilson lose weight in BTTF2?
Broadcast vs Extended?
I always forget that Casey Affleck was in the first 2 films
Why was Doc in such a hurry to “fix” the future in Part 2?
Where is “Alternative 1985” Marty in the story?
LWJM Song Title Typo
If 2002 JM met w/ 2025 JM, what would that interaction be like?
When was the last time you looked at your shelf and decided to cut some fat?
Fav music video of John’s?
What do you think happened to Cameron Crowe?
How did you discover JM?
Choose your JM lyric for a t shirt/ bumper sticker 😅
Se7en 4K is amazing!