Tell your opinion.
Movies that you can get high to?
What songs do you use to test new speakers?
What film are you going with?
Movies that are like Black Mirror Episodes on steroids
What is the best written comedy you've ever seen?
What’s a movie that you’re always… ALWAYS quoting?
Best French Film of All Time?
What are your “so bad they are good” movies?
What's an example of an outstanding trailer for a film, that turned out to be a sub-par/bad movie?
My thoughts on Ryan Holiday in Dublin, Ireland
What movies do you think have the best cinematography ever?
Ask Ryan Holiday Anything
Which actor managed to nail being the “bad guy?”. I start
what is the name of this mod?
I’ve never seen an old classic, what should I watch?
What's your favorite movie of all time?
On this day, 10 years ago, 'Interstellar' was released. Would you rank it among the best sci-fi movies of all time?
What is the saddest death of a fictional character?
If you could undo one death in a movie, what would it be? (Spoilers)
What’s a movie that you found boring or disappointing despite being highly praised or critically acclaimed?
Favorite movie from the Coen brothers?
Name a non-horror movie that really disturbed you.
Best Jeff Bridges role?
Secondary ssd mounted in user file instead of /home