[RESOURCE] what printed poetry collections can you suggest as a birthday present?
Hähnchenspieß (Schaschlik?) mit Reis (0€)
Kant in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita: what are the 5 proofs of God he demolished and what is the sixth proof he posited in their stead?
I'd really like to read the shohnoma (and eventually other Persian poets) in Tajik. Where do I find them?
You call that a figure?! // Soviet Union // 1980s
So frustrating that Duolingo can’t just use the standard dialect
N. S. Trubetskoy — still worth reading?
Could someone please buy this and put it online?
Russian language copies
Why did the United States support pro welfare parties in Western Europe (social and christian democrats) which never gained traction on their native soil?
Why Yiddish ever written in Cyrillic or Latin script?
a hall of fame
What do you hold of the "W.E.I.R.D." notion? Is it useful? Could you explain what it means for a person, a "subculture" or a "society" to be or not to be "WEIRD"?
Does Dostoevsky take inspiration from Shakespeare?
Is it socially acceptable to name your child after regions of Ukraine?
What do you hold of the "W.E.I.R.D." notion? Is it useful? Could you explain the notion of a "society" being or not being "WEIRD"?
Is it only me or any other people who thinks Raskolnikov deserved a harsh punishment?
The 10 largest Jewish Communities in the World
Kaiserschmarrn mit Vanillesoße (bei einem 1-Euro-Job, 0€)
Have the mass executions of leftists (amongst others the Tudeh Party) in the Islamic Republic of Iran been caused by compromising information shared by the CIA?
Soviet wraps of candies in the early years of soviet rule 1918-1928
Italian poster from the Second World War (ca. 1942-3) showing a Jewish man in New York wearing the red star. Artist: Gino Boccasile.
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