O segundo maior perdedor da manifestação flopada do Bolsonaro foi o PT
Ecuadorians, what is known and what has been reported in the local press about the recent oil disaster in the country?
A diferença entre o tempo solar verdadeiro e os fusos horários observados
The gap between true solar time and observed time zones
Bolsonaristas usam 'Ainda Estou Aqui' por anistia a condenados pelo 8/1; veja cartazes
Se a Esquerda Brasileira começar a se armar, a Extrema-Direita vai começar a pedir pelo desarmamento?
Should LATAM take advantage of the brain drain the US is having right now?
What is your opinion of the current leader of your country?
Americanos reclamam do Brasil por trava a teles imposta pelos EUA
If you had to live in a town of 10.000 people and could choose its natural environment, what would you choose?
Frei Gilson: o sacerdote anticomunista atacado pela esquerda e abraçado pelo bolsonarismo
Is there any tradition/costumbre in your family or country that you’re ashamed of?
2022 deveria ser apagado
MMW: A right-wing green movement will emerge in the United States within the next ten years
alguém pode me ajudar no meu trabalho da faculdade? (coisa simples)
Aurélio Buarque de Holanda: como se faz um dicionário, 1976
Countries which share the same Head of State
President of the American Soybean Association, and 3 time trump voter, claims trump crippled his industry during his first term, can't fathom why trump is doing the exact same thing in his second term.
Fim da escala 6 por 1 tem apoio de 65% dos brasileiros, mostra pesquisa
Gain demais ser vitima da sociedade no brasil.
Does the US have a cultural advantage against China in their competition as a Western country, especially in regions such as Latin America.
Which city in the world is geographically having the best location?
“most people don’t understand tariffs or the global economy. The USA is holding all the cards & the other countries will play ball soon enough.”
One thing from your culture/country that is hard to explain to a foreigner?
Ex-presidente filipino, Duterte é preso por crimes contra a humanidade
O Brasil não é acolhedor aos estrangeiros