Vampire With A Soul(this genre shaped my entire world growing up)
where my Christian Goths at?
What songs would you dedicate to someone you hate?
Kyle and Sarah, the star crossed lovers...😪
What is something you’ve done that you genuinely regret and wish you could change?
What stopped you from ending your life?
What’s a movie that everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime?
What somthing 99% of people do wrong, but have no idea?
What did you think would never happen to you, until it did?
What is something that’s considered normal by society that you refuse to do?
What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good
I hate dirty jokes
What’s a sign someone definitely wasn’t raised right?
What’s #1 piece of advice to all writers?
LGBT Christian Fiction (I created my own genre)
What themes do you bring from your own life into your writing?
Other’s sexuality makes me uncomfortable
Somebody have a source of when Stephanie Meyer talk about Buffy ?
Name your favorite movie that starts with the letter H.
The best character in the whole series
(super embarrassing)anyone else have a fear of sex, aka Erotophobia?
Millie has something to say y'all.
I wish everyone was anti porn
The world is crumbling, what gives you hope?
Do people actually hate lars or is it just a massive joke that is going over my head?