Tame Impala - The Snow Rush
What's your go-to stoned show?
Fred in Montréal
Which 00’s Indie song beginning with E is your favourite?
Last year I asked the people of r/tameimpala about their favorite song that is not Tame Impala. It turned out to be an insane list, and now I would love to update it. Which songs do you miss? (Spotify-link in the comments)
Dulled down experience with Experience?
Josh during Trees in Montreal
Josh With The Montreal Shirt
Cheapest food dtown
Best restaurants for fine dining + vegan?
Suggestion de restaurant dans le quartier Jean-Talon?
Please give tips to a new montrealer!
Kevin performing GUMMY at Osheaga
What previous Osheaga Acts were on par with Justice, in terms of production?
Vegan or vegetarian poutine?
I’m curious as to what your top three artists are aside from Beach House? Not looking to find similar artists, but rather, see if you folks have a variety.
Si vous deviez quitter Montréal et ne plus jamais y revenir, où iriez-vous pour la dernière fois ?
Wearing platform boots at raves
What does montreal people do on sunday for fun?
Selling 2 GA Montreal tickets!!
Lil glimpse of PPP last night in Montreal. Absolutely breathtaking
First in line for tonight’s show in Montreal!! So excited to see Kevin front row 😭
Front & center last night in Montreal. Can’t believe I saw Kevin fucking Parker with my own eyes like that. Last night was magical, I could never thank him enough for what he’s done for me ❤️
Virtual Valentine's Ideas?