Voting time! Since many of you want to see a front view of me: Upvote my comment with the number of the picture I should post next! 😊
The no make up period wasn't kind to Gene
I rode in a big yellow school bus to and from school from Grade 1 to Grade 12. I lived in a rural area so the commute time could be up to an hour each way. Anyone else here a school bus survivor?
On r/RetroAR we’re going to update our rules and policies. What would you like to see more/less of?
What one are you?
Does this count?
If your dick could talk, what’s the first thing it would say
Firearm Management
Scrunched or relaxed?
What is your” old man yells at clouds” type rant now that we are firmly entrenched in middle age?
Fergie Question
Continuity Conflict
are latinas feet worth to worship
Which of these would turn you on
Anyone know who this is meant to be?
Instantly regrets his whole career
What are these worth?
Things you wouldn't want to hear after picking up a hitch hiker
Did you own something as a kid that would be worth something now, if it were in pristine condition?
What you doing in this situation 🤔?
Enjoy yer roll
Which figure did you miss out on as a kid?
I had the plaid one and the emergency one, yes i had the soup thermos. which one/ones did you have?
Band name for a band that can’t think of a band name
What would you name him?