Kit identification?
John "Papa John" Farquhar Oct. 25, 1926 - Dec 17, 2024
There’s someone I’d like you all to meet
After playing fallout my desktop is different
Did I already ruin it? Should I quit the hobby?
Has anyone considered making an epoxy table diorama?
In need of a 7/32 offset or flex head ratcheting wrench
Got a junk 6.4 turbo diesel. Yay.
Manual for a ‘47 Chevy Loadmaster
In what contexts should you/should you not discuss fasting?
Headaches, headaches, headaches
Are Gyroplanes allowed here?
Did any Nazi officials or soldiers choose to become part of anti-Nazi or anti-fascist movements, efforts, or organizations post-1945?
Don't lie, how frequently you read the Bible?
Found out why a foot long doesn’t cost $5 anymore
Is hand jobs a sin
What a project idea!
Probably the coolest vid I’ve ever got. Gotta love the Blue Angels
Probably the coolest video I’ve ever taken
My best pics- What's the prettiest picture you've ever taken?
My first ever “completed” model!
Icon Wall for a broke 21 y/o student update!
The 94 still looks alright I guess