Does Yousician help with all necessary guitar learning skills?
What albums from last year are still heavy in your rotation?
WTF am I supposed to do with this?
Is it true that death grips broke up because Kendrick was chosen for the Super Bowl instead of them?
Year of the Sandwhich🥪😋
did ANYBODY notice this SECRET MESSAGE hidden within the ON GP ALBUM CONVER!?!!?!???!???!??!??!
Albums/Artists similar to WLFTMOI?
Top 5 longest songs of all time!!
Perverts being so controversial is actually starting to become extremely annoying
Could we try and make a list of active touring bands that offer SWANS levels of intensity live?
Just finished this! Watcha think?
Tier list after 6 months of listening to Swans exclusively
Bruh stop looking at me like that 🙏
What does my music taste smell like?
Live Rope sounds like the logical conclusion of Swans
The Powers That Bright
Greatest MG line deliveries?
What do you guys think is in this bag?
If Swans were to make a greatest hits album, what what be your tracklist?
Rope/The Beggar
Guys... I found him
What is your favorite album that is mostly a FACE.
Two Heavens (cover) - XEONXEONXEON
pick one album and the rest were NEVER made