What is going on
Realistic reach schools with my stats?
Take the LSAT again?
If you want to be a personal injury attorney (hopefully medical malpractice) what matters the most in a school? -Rank, location, debt?
any college of charleston admissions? and your stats?
What I Wish I Knew Before Law School
If you want to be a personal injury attorney (hopefully medical malpractice) what matters the most in a school? -Rank, location, debt, etc
W&L location questions
How terrible is liberty and regent ?
Planning to attend in the fall but beginning to second guess
Duke law font requirements?
Is it even possible to get a scholarship at a school when your lsat is lower than their 25th percentile?
How many schools are we all applying to?
Campbell A
UNCW vs other higher ranking NC colleges
A Deep Dive into URM LSD Admissions Data
How important is the "why now" in your personal statement as a non traditional applicant
Is it crazy that I think that making a different PS & Diversity or E/P statement for each school may be easier than making just one of each to cover all schools?
People whose scores dropped 5 points or less, are you canceling?
Is it worth taking it again
Should I cancel my 150? First time test taker
What schools would you apply to in NC or VA/SC with a 3.8high and 157 LSAT
2014 Nissan Sentra tranmisson dead after 77k miles
Should I cancel my Sept score?