Was ist eure früheste Erinnerung, die euch bewusst gemacht hat, dass ihr in einem finanziell benachteiligten oder privilegierten Haushalt aufgewachsen seid?
Euer all time Lieblingslied?
Wir wahrscheinlich ist es das die USA ihre Militär Basen in Deutschland und/oder der EU in der Zukunft räumen muss?
It's box time
What is she growing and why is she growing it? It's only one arm that has it
Wen habe ich da beim Mittagessen getroffen?
What bird is this in Germany. The people in the sub can not agree whether it is a buzzard or an osprey
One of my biggest pet peeves as an Ace, having unnecessary sex scenes thrown in near the beginning of tv shows and movies
Ich hab mit wesentlich schlimmeren gerechnet in meinem Kaff
When slow burn isn't slow burn
What should I do with all my prismatic shards?
I need help with the backstory for my wood elf
Whenever I want to rant about a stupid person I met that day, I can never say it was a woman if my father is there
I Am Confused as to What Aegosexuality Really Means
I've just spend almost an entire day fishing in the small pond. All I needed were 5 pieces of trash for the raccoon
Took me dumping a silly number of hours into this game before I stumbled across this book...
[online] [CET] [lgbtq+] [flexible] beginner looking for my first campaign
"I've had to retreat into artefact storage. god, I hate this place... Jon! Jon, I think someone's here... hello? I see you! Show yourself!..
Y'all some boujee ass sturgeon...
I always knew I was bad with names, but how did I think the first time Gerard was mentioned was when Jon got the book??
what type of avatar do you think you might deal with based on your job
I've just startet to relisten to tma and how did I never notice
Close to finishing the Magnus archives..