[KCD2] Where would you sit?
Does anyone know why ren has so may old fans
Who would you cast me as in a Disco Elysium film? (Wrong answers only)
Spolu, Stačilo poškočilo, Piráti výraznější pokles, SPD klesá, ostatní jen mírný pohyb
Nový týdenní STEM
Am I Disco enough?
Question to Estonian (and generally non-English) DE fans.
Which song do you know word for word?
The WORST song on Blooddrunk?
What was your favorite fantasy video game growing up?
Where are you from?
My 17 year old has been exchanging inappropriate messages with a 22 year old
Why does this fanbase have so many more women compared to other rock bands?
I tried to paint a half-ogre and failed.
Argo on Jean Vicquemare. im crying now thanks
Name an obscure fantasy novel and lose a point for every person who says they’ve read it
Everytime playing this moment I literally imagine how is kim trying to not laugh
How many Manics references are there?
There are over 30 essential characters in DE. Let's do this disco style!
Let's do this
Physical copy of Sacred and Terrible Air
Violence in fantasy
Guillermo is my ‘hear me out’. Which one is yours?
Weirdest names of characters or things or people you have ever seen in a fantasy book?
What single line of dialogue never fails to make you laugh?