Y’all think we may see Thor go up against Doom in Doomsday? If so would he win?
Getting into cedh, which commander is for me
I want something clarified regarding cEDH
Deck Suggestions/My Local Meta
What is your favourite black card?
PSA: Beware strange people on Spelltable
Very strong bracket 4 commanders
Unban Arise-Heart?
Almost finished eighty six, which of these should I watch next?
Special Booster 2.5 Competitive Tier List
What are some mechanically unique cEDH decks/commanders?
Which of these serious issues had affected you?
do you find anime powerscalers annoying?
I wanted to buy a surge foil showcase of dogmeat the market price is 50 dollars so can someone tell me why the cheapest listing is 350 dollars on TCG player
What are some of the best anime you have ever watched?
I hate THIS Dark Magician art in particular
Your favorite hyper resilient, immortal cockroach secklists?
who would win, jason voorhees or an original vampire from the vampire diaries?
What are your EDH sins?
Which commander do you prefer
Love it or hate it, I'm just gonna run Path to Exile
Who would win, A man with baby arms or a 2 women
Choose a side-effect and the first reply will be your power!
Just watched Chainsaw Man, similar recommendations?
Next banlist prediction ?