A rap sheet that would have made Al Capone proud…
It’s only gonna age worse.
"If you can't imagine Batman comforting a kid you just wrote the Punisher" motherfuckers when this happens
How did you discover your first discworld novel?
Ook Duitse geheime dienst denkt dat covid uit lab ontsnapte, regering hield dat stil
Trump says his win gives ‘mandate’ for ‘far reaching investigation’ into Democrats
'Madness swirls': Ex-GOP insider says 'Trump’s presidency is already in state of collapse
can a TimeLord regeneration if they have a headcrab on them
the rationalists seem to just assume a super AI would be able to control us if its smarter than us, and I don't see any reason to assume that given its not like we can just control all the other animals that aren't as smart as us.
What are these??
A specter is haunting America—the specter of Vaushism. Infowars has the scoop.
Elon Musk Claims He Could Land Humans on Mars in 4 Years
Got perma-banned from the hasanabi sub for this comment. Was I wrong for this?
Is dat ook weer opgelost.
Smoking Indoors Was Common Back in The Day
Is this true
Why do so many gamers hate Debra Wilson?
We can’t hear you over the sound of our navigable rivers
Vaste bestelling bij snackbar?
Hyves keert terug als Kwebby?
How does everyone feel about Bill Potts?
What do you call a group of cybertrucks?