Sold this right before Tesla had its worst day in 5 years LMAO
Boycott money grab price hike
We’re all going to Wendy’s
I don’t see many polls on here so: Universes Beyond feelings
Is there even such thing as casual commander at LGS anymore?
Please just stop
This is getting out of hand
The state of things in 2025
Commander Brackets Beta - WeeklyMTG 11th February Stream
This is mathematically a Wendy’s
Why r/houstonwade got suddenly popular
It’s official, the shooter is either a patsy, or….
This is why the Pulitzer was first minted
Agent Luigi is a warning that people who play tile-based strategy games are mentally unstable and prone to violence
I’m pretty sure the United Health CEO shooter is Ben Shapiro
With the number of people who are deeply passionate about Magic, I'm surprised that no one has found their own justice over the game being stolen from us.
We all know who the real retards are
Primeval Titan in Commander
Israel pays protesters
Israel has to buy protesters for its American pro-genocide rallies.
What the US could've had if the military had a smaller budget
What are your most disappointing Switch game purchases and why?
Universes Beyond should never have included any settings where real life locations could be in the card art.
Has anyone watched the video explaining how the ‘heroes’ might be just scamming the UFO community?
Scientists in China have just grown a fluorescent green monkey using stem cells in a world first.
New neuroimaging research suggests that prolonged use of cannabidiol (CBD) may influence the connections between key brain regions, namely the hippocampus and the amygdala, which are involved in memory and emotional processing.