Took it like a man
I still won
Who are you bringing back?
Erase an anime from your memory to watch it again, which one would you pick? Personally it’s AOT
oh..that was fast
Ima li neko ovde da je čuo za ULTRAKILL, Deep Rock Galactic, LOTRO ili SCP:SL?
3x $10 Global Steam Gift Cards Giveaway!
Is mordhau Just tf2 but only medieval Mode?
Most played game on steam, how many hours, and why?
Whats you're favourite free to play game on steam?
Nitro's Invention (razorbladekitty)
Tell me your favorite waifu
In love w All the characters
If you could experience one game all over again, blindly, what game would you pick?
Y'all wanna play some bingo?
“Why can’t this game grow”
Looking for anime recommendations of any kind.
How to 20x your kit
Sword jump
What anime is this?
What is this in your language?
Do people still enjoy the game?
Watching anime in Mordhau
What game is this?
So, which three games are they then?