Sakura is getting ready to cook (@Moren_eh)
NG2B Ryu Face Test
Bayo and Dante are getting ready for the party (Artwork by @Angielik7)
Give me a reason why a Bayonetta 1 Remake is a bad idea. I want to see Viola and Cheshire included💅
Summer Medea by Ousumo
Viola has amazing potential for a future villain
Is Bayonetta 1 genuinely that short?
Femiya (@PaniPancakes)
Do you think that Nintendo consoles being perceived as devices for children and teenagers is the reason WHY the series hasn’t had major success? Will that change with the Switch 2?
i hate the stigma that if you like bayonetta 2 you must be a "filthy casual"
And people say Viola is the worst when this exists🙄
What Digimon do you want to see with modern and flashy animations
Bayonetta and Jeanne Bots
Bayonetta from temu
Some recent reaction images I’ve made. Wanted to share. Feel free to use
Wholesome Cereza and Viola Moment❤️
This is for all the Viola fans out there!🙌♥️
Do you think it’d be a good idea for PG to make a spiritual successor to Bayonetta that can be released on all platforms?
I know to how to make Viola the best character to play as in Bayonetta 4💋
Bayonetta will return...
Should a Bayonetta 1/2 Remake include Demon Masquerade forms for all the weapons (including skill trees)?
Has everyone just ignored this guy's birthday today?
Question about Archer
How would you feel if Viola and Lukaon were introduced in Bayonetta 2? Do you think the backlash would've been so severe that it destroyed the entire series?🤔
On autopilot