Where did I go wrong with my fender alignment?
Should I Drop Off My Ex's Belongings?
rate my physique
Would you spend $900 for an everlasting haircut?
I'm 19. 640 credit score. Is this house a good deal? All the info in body text..
Tell me a movie(s) that made you stare blankly at the wall for 20 minutes after it finished?
Should I take money from my paycheck to put into my 401k?
I’m 2 years in and hate college and hate every degree option
Can't seem to grow bigger, any tips?
Cardio during your cut
Post your big dog/small dog combinations 💘
Suggestion for Macbook cleaning
How could I get into the car industry?
Would cutting down to 190 be too much?
Struggling to hit my daily protein goal whilst intermittent fasting?
Finally bought my dream MacBook 🥰
How did you learn to drive manual?
is the miata mazda 1995 a nice car?
Prognosis doesn’t look good
When you go to someone’s house, no matter how normal a little bit of mess is, makes you think “wow, this person/family do not know how to keep a house”?
Not for me, for a relative. Should they avalanche or snowball? She has about $300 extra to spend every month after every expense and living expense is accounted for.
my f18 partner m18 said he will kill himself if I leave him. how do I leave him without him killing himself?
Gf won’t leave apartment with me because of my fit
Bobby what are you doing here?
Are we ready enough to buy a 950k home?