I lost my previous 13 year old boy almost 2 weeks ago. He had kidney failure, I read that dry food can cause this. People with really old cats, what do u feed your Kitty?
I’m in the Dominican Republic having a smoke and I’m listening to Mel’s Hole.
What is your favorite car from any film?
What celebrity are you glad isn't your parent?
What’s the scariest horror movie ever?
Did this with a limited set of 24 Polychromos because I'm not a blending magician like some of you are 😅
What movie(s) freaked you out as a kid? Like, ruined you for months?
What’s the story of your best and most satisfying crack?
Triptans make you pee?
Worst horror book you've ever read?
Faber Castell too light
Do you give your cat permission to be on your bed?
What are some unusual things that people might not enjoy, but you personally find fascinating or enjoyable?
Which killer car is the scariest in your opinion?
What’s Your Favorite Found Footage Film?
What is your favorite childhood video game and why?
What is your favourite submarine movie?
Red Green Show (1991-2006)
What is one food that you never outgrew hating from childhood?
What movie scene makes you shudder no matter how many times you see it?
What SNL skit have you watch over and over?
What is your favorite car owned?
This set is authentic? I thought the latest version had a butterfly