What is the feeling of being grateful for being young, and acknowledging youth doesn’t last called?
What is something that you absolutely cannot stand the smell of?
What everyday/common English word do you always seem to misspell?
What is a movie that gets worse the older you get?
What's the biggest turnoff?
how do you shut your mind up?
There are two types of people when it comes to cooking: one that cooks and cleans as they go and the other that cooks and piles up dirty dishes to and washes after they’re done eating. Which one are you?
Why can some people not click on specific links in the scroll but others can?
You can pick a single line from a comedy film that you think everyone will be able to identify it from. What line do you choose?
What's for dinner tonight?
What was a moment when you experienced intense jealousy?
If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would it be and what would you ask them?
What's an example of an instance when it's more beneficial to encourage someone's delusions, than to deny it?
What's your dealing with people who are j-erk?
You’ve just invented a new fruit. What’s it called, and what does it taste like?
What legitimate use would you have for an extra cell phone with its own number that's yours, activated and ready for use?
What examples have you seen of someone giving a factually incorrect answer on something that you are an expert or experienced in?
What was the moment where you seriously questioned someone's intelligence?
What is the most deranged behavior you've ever seen from an obsessed person?
What doesn’t feel the same for you?
In English, names like Bertha, Ethel, Walter and Gladys are commonly associated with older people, since they fell out of popularity as baby names decades ago. What names are associated with the older generations in your language?
What are the last 3 subs you visited (no cheating)?
What's one small thing that instantly makes men more attractive?
Love language is cool and all but what is your hate language?
What do you think, is social media increasing awareness or trapping people in echo chambers ?