Is this real citrine or dyed?
Thoughts on The Great Gatsby (2013)?
How old are you & how many people have you slept with?
Need movie suggestions for ghost /demon movies with most jump scares
whatca lookin at?
I Don't watch Horror, but I like these, what should I watch?
I need a good psychological thriller mind fuck to watch. Any suggestions?
What is your inner child's favourite animation movie?
Is this something?
Comedy with funny misunderstandings and fake identities?
Have You Ever Felt Like Your Inner Child Holds the Key to Something Deeper?
Have you ever accepted someone fully of who they are?
Good clown horror movies?
Looking for a Moldivate "dupe"
After you die what do you think is going to happen? Heaven, reincarnation, or nothing?
The infinity drawer!
I know what I want, what can I do now ?
Protection Crystals?
Seeking Esoteric & Spiritual Experiences in Southeast Asia – Any Recommendations?
Southern set thrillers or road trip horror?
Suggest a rom-com movie
She hasn't the affection for the ring she has affection for the guy.
Which would you keep?
I’m looking for movies set in the American desert
Is it just me or are slasher movies the least interesting type of movie??