19m any suggestions?
I have $5000 to kick start my portfolio.
Just turned 24 - thoughts on my portfolio?
I am financially illiterate. Where can I start?
Where are you hedging right now?
How’s my portfolio looking guys ?
PSE&G is killing my wallet this winter
If you won the lottery, would you take care of your entire extended family or just close relatives?
Is the Market Screwed for the Remainder of Trump's Term?
If you have $500 cash in your core position (i.e. SPAXX) and there is a pending debit for $500 (i.e. for a recent stock purchase), do you gain interest on that $500?
What investments go well with VOO
How do I make the most of 30k?
Can I afford a Super Bowl ticket?
What was your starting hourly pay?
If you had 25k cash, what would you buy on Monday.
Risks of s&p500?
$80K coming in - how would you rebalance my portfolio?
Should I put the TV up higher
How we feeling about the stock market tomorrow ?
FXAIX growth next 5-10 years
26M 2 degrees. What’s wrong with me?
Is FCGSX the best large growth fund to invest ?
Scam text message?
I started late in contributing to retirement at 35. Am I screwed?