GI Bill…does it expire?
Dang they really said FUCK IT to picking up the trash this week
Am I Overreacting, but why does everybody have a therapist?
PSA: Clean the snow off your roof.
My daughter asked me to speak at a career day for her 6th grade class. However the majority of the questions turned to my time in the Army.
Military Headstone
Most interesting funerals?
Why does CIF want the 1 QT canteen back?
Please help me find this
Biden signed an executive order for all federal employee to get December 24th off.
Trying to get on VA disability
Does anyone know the date of this fireball label? I was given it by older co worker who hasn’t drank in over 12 years.
Bathroom Exhaust Fan Dripping Water
Is adding a dependent claim “poking the bear”?
What TV show or show perfectly encapsulates every state in the Union?
I always thought that a second book telling the story of the group who went to Mars would be awesome.
Chapter 35/Fry Scholarship
AIO about something my bf told me..
100% Disabled Vet Property Tax Questions
best place near arnold/annap for star viewing?
DOD employee Veterans
People searching by low crime/other neighborhood features?
I got back pay all the way back to 2018?
14 arrested in FBI raids across region, officials say