Our motto
Ban the scat posts
(TW) King fucks a w*man 💔
WTF is this??? niggas making porn at bruce crib??
Pounditsenpai losing his mind while Mike and Monty just living the life
This can’t be 😔💔
Ugliest thug king has fucked?
Goo fans, it's over
Question for the rapper fandom..
niggas really tried to tell us bruce fell off
At what height is a woman too short?
Knee Pain
8(M) How can I improve? Many people told me that I have potential
I’m 5’10 at 16. Is there any chance I will reach 6 feet?
Zoro is a confirmed top tier
Don’t you just hate it when teachers say “find your own partner for this activity”
DEO any math majors here?
Opinions on smoking weed
A Lion amongst Sheep
hey guys saw this fight earlier at another school in my town my cousins girl got beat up should i get her get back or what let me know
What’s your deepest Sleep over confession
this nigga got COOKED
DEO do I look good? Need sum glow up tips
Tryin sum new tn