Cats or Dogs
What song is stuck in your head this morning?
I don’t want to work tomorrow. What sickness would you claim to have to get out of work?
Hand job tips
When is the last time you were on your tippy toes ?
Thoughts on femboys?
Looking to get a butt or tramp stamp tattoo any ideas of what it should be ?
What do you hope your last words will be?
What color socks are you wearing?
What helps you fall asleep when you can't seem to?
What makes your heart flutter?
What are you really looking for?
When was the last time you petted a cat?
Do men like having their pee hole licked?
If someone grabbed your phone and started scrolling through your photo gallery, what's the worst thing they would find?
If you could pet any animal rn what would it be?
What makes you go feral?
If your sex life had a Yelp review, what would the most recent one say?
What's something NSFW people pretend to enjoy but secretly hate?
Do you ever just feel hollow and empty sometimes?
What’s your safe word?
What are the pros and cons of having sex with you?
When’s the last time you received a nsfw photo and who sent it?
What’s your juggalo/juggalette name?
How do you like to drink your water?