Contrary to popular Reddit opinion, fashion is about fitting OUT not fitting In
30 hour suppressor approval..... aaand the FFL is closed today
Need advice/ feel terrible
shop in my town selling AI generated merch
Cumtown is officially over
Teaching my pigeon a “descend” trick bc Bible
Pork Floss posting
Highly impressed with P1S
Everything in this picture is closed related (FN Five-seveN)
Any European who want to fess up to this?
Lci fell out
Disastrous effects of constant true crime brainrot
Loud Sneezers Need To Cut It Out
"Nuclear Weapons Databook" Vols II and III
Why does wendigoon get so much hate?
i ♡ bacteria
What's your job
Why have we not discovered the cause of homosexuality by now?
Laser therapy for toe fracture?
Handsome man
How can I make this top layer smoother?
Pussy please 🥺