Blue Lotus Alkaloid Extract
Drying LSA/Salt solution(pre-purification)
It’s Snowing- Harmaline/Harmine Freebase Precipitation
Alcohol washing my evap dish
More success! Simplified extraction may be soon outlined
is meth really that bad?
Best way to eat shrooms?
Y'all do you think snorting would work?
Small-Scale LSA extraction
Larger sample testing(removal of salt impurity/purifying) Result
Seedlings are progressing well!
Update: Dose Estimation for Psychedelic Effects from Purified LSA
Small-sample Fluorescence Test(Post-Salt Removal test)
Are these safe to consume?
DXM Crystals- 2nd Extraction Results
Harmala Salt Extract Crystals(~50/50 mix Harmaline and Harmine)
Conversion of 91% IPA to Isopropyl Acetate
220mg Pure DXM Capsule-Lets see how this goes!
LSA Crystals- 2nd extract results
How often should I hit shrooms?
Is taking lsd a week after rolling neurotoxic
Does size matter?
Click for a fellow tripper?
"statuing" while high
Anyone get CEVs now even when they're not high