US Navy F/A-18 of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower during the 23-24 deployment
US Navy F/A-18 of USS Dwight D. Eisenhower during the 23-24 deployment [Album]
Drone bomber Denjaka
Garuda Indonesia Sport & Leisure Breakaways 1993
Indonesian Army Leopard 2A4
Dutch Air Force F-35 intercepting Russian Su-24 over Baltic Sea [5152×3435]
Another airliner gliding meme. Context in comments
F-15EX deemed effective against fifth-generation threats in Pentagon evaluation | In depth | Flight Global
Roadmap PT Turkish Aerospace Indonesia hingga 2040. Sumber: Yudi Supriyono
Daily Political Megathread
Apparently there is a cyber war between Malaysia and Indonesia hackers... anyone else knows about this?
Taruna AAL yang ikut Ship Selection Night di US Naval Academy
Gambar keras
TIL Michael O'Leary, Ryanair CEO, bought a taxi license plate in 2004 under the name O'Leary Cabs, with only one vehicle, his own Mercedes, so he can legally use Dublin bus lanes
KRI Brawijaya Coat of Arms, Indonesian Navy new ship
Patch KRI Brawijaya
Nasib Partai Fasis yang Naas di Indonesia – Total Politik
Sonic vs Maverick
Equipment full FMP
Turkish defense company ASELSAN is now in Indonesia
Pilot Super Tucano TNI-AU
F/A-18E/F aboard Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier
Paham temankoe?
That one kpop girl at your school Starter pack